In September 2023 Teen Action joined the Skills Builder Impact Academy to explore how we can embed essential skills developement accross our youth provision. We chose our ArtWaves provision to pilot this new approach to skills developement and impact measurement, focussing on 4 of the 8 essential skills: Listening, Creativity, Problem Solving, and Aiming High.
Through a series of bespoke trainings, individual support, and access to a bank of resources we were able to develop a framework for the implementation of Essential Skills as part of our ArtWaves provision. This includes a fully developed staff handbook with targeted resources for the practice and developement of specific skills embedded in each session, as well as a Reflection Log for participants to track and record progress, with entry and exit assessments, leading to certification.
The ArtWaves programme is designed to expose participants to different decorative & applied art mediums and to develop craftsmanship, creativity, and problem-solving skills on their paths to employment. Programmes on offer have been chosen by young women and include pyrography, confectionery, floristry, photography, and hairstyling. The program framework now includes the recognition, development, and progression of essential skills, alongside technical skills.
We’ve been awarded the Skills Builder Impact Level 4 for “programmes that combine the chance for individuals to reflect on the essential skills before and after applying them, with programme content that is specifically targeted on making steps of progress.” We are now featured on the Impact Directory, alongisde other organisations who are effectively implementing the Skills Builder Framework.
We recognise the importance of developing essential skills, and are piloting this with our ArtWaves provision, with the intent to scale this across all delivery, including employment support, training programmes, retreats and mentoring support.
Editor’s notes:
The Skills Builder Partnership includes 600 schools and colleges, 200 impact organisations and 100 top employers – working collectively towards the mission that one day, everyone will build the essential skills to succeed.
Our work is underpinned by the Skills Builder Universal Framework, which shows how to build essential skills at every stage of life. These eight skills are: Listening, Speaking, Problem Solving, Creativity, Staying Positive, Aiming High, Leadership and Teamwork.